Here at Igomove if we are giving a great service then we want you to tell
everyone about us if we aren't then tell us! The purpose of our
complaint's procedure is to deal quickly, effectively and efficiently with
your complaint or experience with us, and to turn a negative situation in
to a positive one. It is our aim to provide a high standard of service to you
at all times. However, sometimes things can go wrong and we are
committed to dealing with matters fairly and promptly. If you have a
complaint with Igomove please see our procedure below :-
- Please put your complaint in writing to the Head of Customer
Relations Michael Naylor on or the
postal address Igomove, Unit 22, Hartlepool Enterprise Centre,
Brougham Terrace, Hartlepool TS25 8EY. Please provide details of the
complaint setting out the reasons, and any further information or
evidence. - The Head of Customer Relations is required to acknowledge your
complaint in writing within 3 working days from receiving the complaint. - The Head of Customer Relations will review your complaint and
provide you with a written outcome within 10 days from acknowledging
your complaint. - Should you not be satisfied with the Head of Customer Relations
response then your complaint can be referred on to a Director at
or the postal address Igomove, Unit 22, Hartlepool Enterprise Centre, Brougham
Terrace, Hartlepool TS25 8EY. A Director will then review the complaint and provide
you with a written outcome within 10 working days from referral. - Should you still not be satisfied with the response of a Director then
you may refer the complaint to the Ombudsman whose details are the
Property Ombudsman, Milford House, 43-55 Milford Street, Salisbury,
SP1 2BP.